Washington Monument is part of the National Mall in Washington D.C. The monument is dedicated to the First President of the United States George Washington. There were a lot of people out that day celebrating America's Independence. This is just one end of the national mall as the other end is at the capitol. In between these endpoints, you can find the Smithsonian, lots of memorials including the Lincoln, Jefferson, MLK, FDR, and you can also find many different sites such as war memorials. This is a picture of Washington Monument with the Capitol in the background.

This is us checking out the flag that inspired the Star Spangled Banner to be written during the battle of Fort Mchenry.
During our time in this city, we saw a lot of interesting things. There was a lot to read, explore, and see. We saw a lot of people reading at the museums and a lot of people looking around curiously at the memorials. After all, they were probably learning something valuable because it is American History and surprisingly not too many people know about it. I learned a lot more about this History then I ever knew I was glad I got to go to the National Mall and see all these cool things that relate back to American History. This visit relates back to this region because of all the early colonial history that happened in this region including the Revolutionary War and as well as parts of the Original 13 Colonies. At the end of the night, we saw the fireworks go out on top of the capitol. People started cheering and were excited to celebrate American Independence. I was shaken up because it was truly a great experience to be out there with all these people cheering for independence. It was truly awesome!
My next visit was too New York, New York and I went and saw Central Park. Central Park is one of the most filmed areas in the world. It is also a very large park, it used to be a very bad place to go as it used to be filled with criminals, homeless people, and drugs. The New York City Police Department worked to take back the park and luckily they were able to turn in around into a happening hub in the city. This is a picture of the whole park in the city.
People enjoying the nice day in the park.
When we toured the park we saw a lot of people doing a lot of different activities. People were ridding on horse carriages, riding bike, canoeing in the pond, and even walking and jogging on the trails. I felt like was very happy walking throughout the park, people didn't bother you and stayed to their own business. It was truly the one place in New York where it felt like there was enough space for everyone. Everywhere else their is tall buildings, side walks loaded with people, and busy streets with a lot of cars. Central Park is truly that one place where you can feel like you are out of the city but you are really not.
This park is a very good reflection of the region of Megalopolis. It gives the region much traction on world stage because of how many great movies have been shot in this park. This helps give the region bragging rights in that department.
Throughout my travels to these cities in the region I found out that Megalopolis holds a lot of people. There are also more people in this region than any other region in the United States. If your looking to go to a big city check out New York City. If your looking for a trip on American History checkout the United States Capitol Washington D.C. I will never forget this adventure.
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